How to hike to Porthcurno from Sennen Cove (via Lands End)

If you love hiking along rugged cliffs, next to the beautiful blue sea and finding secluded beaches, this hike to Porthcurno is an absolute must for you in Cornwall. This takes you along the beautiful South West Coast Path, starting at Sennen and ending at Porthcurno beach via Lands End, mainland UK’s most South-westerly point. The beaches along this path are absolutely stunning and are hidden treasures in Cornwall!

How long does it take?

The hike itself from Sennen Cove to Porthcurno via Lands End takes around 4 hours at a moderate pace but including lots of picture taking! It’s about 10.6 km and is a moderate walk with lots of ups and downs along South West Coast Path. It’s an easy route to follow and one I would absolutely recommend. I’d suggest leaving a whole day for this hike so that you can soak in all the views and relax and spend some time on the beach too.

You can do this hike one way then take a bus back to Sennen, but bear in mind to check the buses as they don’t run frequently throughout the day and the last bus is often around 6pm. You could also look into getting a taxi back and organising this beforehand. Or if you’re crazy like us you’ll walk all the way back and catch sunset at Lands End, this was an amazing day but we did over 45,000 steps and we could definitely feel it in our legs after!

What is the hike to Porthcurno like?

Starting off in Sennen

 For this hike start by parking at Sennen Cove Harbour where it’ll will cost £6 for the whole day.

Then head out of the car park to the back right and you should see a set of steps heading up the cliff! Follow this path all the way to Lands End. This path is generally quite flat except for the very beginning where you climb up the top of the cliff from the car park. It’s around 5.3km to Lands End and will take around an hour to get there.

You’ll be treated to amazing views along the way, and you may even see sparrowhawks hovering above their prey then swooping down to make their catch. It’s a really cool sight and something we’d never seen before. Whilst walking along the path you’ll also see the RMS Mulheim shipwreck that was wrecked at Lands End after the chief officer fell unconscious during heavy seas in 2003. For more detail on the route specifically have read on the South West Coast Path website

Hike to Porthcurno

You’ve reached Lands End

When you get to Lands End you’ll first see the ‘First and Last Refreshment House’ with a beautiful viewpoint and then follow the path to the Land’s End View Point, here you’ll see also see the famous signpost, but you’ll need to pay if you want a photo next to it. You can buy refreshments here, there is also a restaurant and toilets.

Once you’re ready to keep going, continue to follow the path and you’ll see Enys Dodnan Arch.

Lands End

Then after about 30 minutes you’ll get to the beautiful Nanjizal beach and if you’re lucky and it’s low tide you’ll be able to walk on the beach. This beach is stunning as there is an archway through the cliff which leads to the sea. If you’re feeling brave enough to swim in the sea you can make your way closer to the arch. When we went in June the water was freezing!

After having a break at Nanjizal, it’s about 2 miles to Porthgwarra beach where there is a small café and toilets, this beach also has a cool arch round the side of it which leads you to the beach. It’s another beautiful beach to have a quick break at if you need to.

Then it’s 1.3 miles to Porthcurno beach, along the way you’ll pass Porthchapel beach. When you get to the end of the Coastal Path you’ll find yourself at Minack Theatre car park, but unfortunately you can’t see any of the theatre unless you book a visit. This theatre does look stunning, as it situated right on the cliff and looking out into the Atlantic. Cross the car park and you’ll see a set of steep stairs going down to the beach, the views from up here are incredible!

Porthcurno Beach
You’ve arrived!!!

6 miles later and you have made it! It’s time to relax at the beach, braving a dip in the sea or sunbathing and reading a book. If busy beaches aren’t your thing you can always stop at one of the beaches you passed earlier and spend more time there instead.

If you feel like exploring further, head over to Pedn Vounder Beach which is much quieter than Porthcurno but is only accessible at low tide! At Porthcurno beach car park you’ll find toilets and there is also a beach café where you can get drinks, pasties and ice cream.

Top tips for the hike to Porthcurno

  • Make sure you carry enough water with you especially if it’s a hot day
  • Wear lots of sun cream and apply it regularly as sunburn is worse by the coast!
  • Wear proper shoes either proper trainers or walking boots and the path is rocky and you’re walking quite a distance
  • Take your own lunch and snacks to give you more flexibility with where you stop for breaks
  • If you want to visit the Minack theatre book a visit for the same day
  • Make sure to look at bus times if you’re planning on getting one back as it may mean you need to start earlier
  • If you are planning on walking back, watch sunset at Lands End then it’s only a short 20-30 minute walk back to Sennen Cove Harbour where you parked your car.

Check my other posts on Cornwall like this one to which explains three amazing spots to see the sunset!