About me

Hello! I’m Serena, a 20 something year-old with a passion for travelling. I’m constantly trying to maximise the 25 days of annual leave I get from my job and spend most of my free time researching holidays and experiences.

When I came back from a holiday in Canada in July 2019, I found I was being asked for my itinerary by several of my friends and work colleagues. I answered so many questions about where to stay and what to do. I found I genuinely loved explaining and sharing my experiences so I thought why not share it with others too, so I started this blog and here I am!

I love holidays and am all about experiences whether it's unusual food, adrenaline activities, learning about cultures or finding the best beaches to relax on. Before each holiday I always try to find the best things to do to ensure I make the most of my time in the country without breaking the bank and doing so ethically and trying to reduce my carbon footprint.

Enjoy looking around my website and feel free to get in touch, I’d love to hear from you and hear about your travel experiences!

Latest Blog Posts


How to hike the amazing Kjeragbolten

Kjeragbolten offers one of the most jaw-dropping photo opportunities in Norway! It is a tough hike that leads you to a boulder sandwiched between two cliffs with a sheer drop below. If you’re...

Pulpit Rock

How to hike the famous Pulpit Rock

Pulpit rock (or Priekestolen) is one of the most popular hikes in Norway. Sitting 604m above Lyseford it offers amazing views, is within close proximity to Stavanger and it’s one of the relatively...


How to have the best time in Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre is a string of 5 villages perched along the Ligurian coast in North West Italy. In 1997, Cinque Terre became a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is a National Park within Italy. It’s known...