Hiking the Sulphur Skyline trail one of the best hikes in Jasper

What is the Sulphur Skyline Trail?

The Sulphur Skyline trail is one of Jasper National Park’s best day hikes. It’s an 8km challenging climb with a 700m elevation gain. At the summit you are rewarded with amazing 360 degree views of the valley below. What’s even better, is that once you’ve finished you can treat yourself to a soak in the Miette Hot Springs, 2 pools of naturally heated water, as this is conveniently where the trail starts and ends. The views from the top really are amazing so if you’re a keen hiker make sure this one is on your list!

What do I need to know for the trail?

I would suggest starting early (as with everything you want to do in the Rockies). Make your way to the Miette Hot Springs which are around 60km from the town of Jasper. Once you’ve parked, the Sulphur Skyline trail begins from the car park. Follow the signs to the start of the trail. The hike starts on a wide path through the forest. It then continuously climbs up to the summit via, what feels like never ending, set of switchbacks. We took several breaks on the way it is tough walking uphill continuously. We started at around 9am and only saw a few other people on the way up. However we saw many more as we were coming back down, I’m really glad we started earlier in the day as it meant we had the trail basically to ourselves so it was really peaceful!

The section up to the summit is the steepest. Take as many breaks as you need but make sure you do keep going as the views from the top really are worth it! It can also get really really windy at the top (see pictures below) so make sure you have warm layers with you. The views are unbelievable, you really do get a 360 view and every way you turn looks beautiful!

On your way back down, be careful coming down the very steep bit from the summit, there is a lot of loose gravel so take your time. The journey down is pretty easy, especially knowing that very soon you’ll be soaking in the hot springs, the best way to treat your muscles after a tough hike.

In total the hike took us about 3-3.5 hours to complete, this includes about 20 minutes at the top taking photos. Online guides state the hike will take between 4-6 hours so I’d leave extra time just in case. I’d definitely recommend this hike as the views are unlike any others you’ll see. You really do feel like you’re on top of the world. Also, given the trail conveniently starts/ends at the hot springs they’re the perfect way to finish a challenging climb.


  • Remember to wear layers, including a jumper and light windbreaker
  • Hiking boots are a must
  • As you’re walking up the trail remember bear safety! Make noise, whether that be talking or using bear bells and if you have bear spray carry that too
  • Carry water and snacks, hiking is tiring work!
  • Start early to avoid crowds. I can say from experience, it was so nice being at summit with around only 10 other people!
  • Use maps.me if you have trouble finding the trailhead
  • Remember your swimming attire for the Miette Hot Springs after
  • You’re able to rent a towel and swimsuit from the Hot Springs if you do forget yours so don’t worry you won’t miss out!

If you liked the sound of the Sulphur Skyline trail you should definitely consider the Bald Hills hike too. Find out more about in my Hiking the Bald Hills post.